Now, anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE a quote and these are some pretty wise words from our amazing late Queen;
“Giant leaps start with small steps”.
I truly believe that we as business owners, have to accept the idea of being vulnerable, perhaps not knowing all the answers, and just have to take those bold first steps in order to push our businesses on. In the Hook Project, we discuss the idea of progress over perfection, getting it done over having it perfect and knowing that each step we take towards that goal is another step in the right direction.
I think we can sometimes feel like asking for help and not knowing how to use social media, for example, can reflect poorly upon our business offering, but remembering that we were all once complete novices at the thing we do expertly now, shows how far we can come.
I love this idea of taking small steps towards that end goal and not having an expectation that it will all be perfect immediately means we can avoid the overwhelm and perfection paralysis that can sometimes stop us from posting or celebrating the small wins.
I feel SO strongly about us all being able to shout from the roof tops about our strengths, why you’re so good at what you do, why people should be waiting in line to work with you- after all, clients don’t want to work with mediocre or average do they??
Gaining the confidence to take that giant leap of faith in putting your face at the forefront of your business is a liberating feeling. You may well be opening yourself up to critique, but being sufficiently self assured to know that not everyone listening to your story is your ideal client, not everyone will like your style, but that’s ok! The ones that do like your style, the way you work, your personality are the ones who will return over and over with repeat business. They’re you’re people… so take those first small steps and see where they might take you…
Find out more about The Hook Project, workshops and networking over at